Tips to Prevent Keyless Car Theft
Car key burglaries are on the increase, why not keep your car keys in a safe!
Keep your keys safe, out of view when at home, and away from your front door. It’s not uncommon for car keys to be stolen from inside your home by thieves fishing for them with a stick and hook through the letterbox.
Keyless car theft or 'relay theft' is when a device is used to fool the car into thinking the key is close by. This unlocks the car and starts the ignition.
Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car key to capture the signal, even if it’s inside your home. This means that even if your car and home are secure, thieves can still unlock, start and steal your car.
When at home keep your car key (and the spare) well away from the car.
Put the keys in a screened or signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.
Reprogramme your keys if you buy a second hand car.
Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.
Ensure you always remember to lock your car properly.
Ensure your car keys are not easily visible to thieves. This includes ensuring keys are kept away from your windows and doors. This helps to reduce the chance of thieves being able to find and amplify your key’s signal.
Using a secure garage keeps your car out of sight and adds an additional barrier between thieves and your car.
Use a Steering Wheel Lock or Car Alarm
Re-programme your keys
If you have lost your keys then we recommend contacting us, we are experts with vehicle locks and keys. We will make sure that only the keys you have cannot be used by the thief, removing all others your vehicles database, this will stop any stolen keys being used.